Tag: SMS

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Why is SMS essential to IoT?

Why is SMS essential to IoT?

With the rise of the super-fast 5G and cloud technologies, the world is on the brink of always-on connectivity, which will facilitate business automation. It will impact and revolutionize every industry, creating a brand new ecosystem of fully-connected devices and technologies. Such technology entails safe M2M and M2P communication. The safest means of communication today is the SMS. Texting is the most reliable way to send any information due to its ubiquity, simplicity, and safety. The mere fact SMS messaging is alive for more than 20 years, and is still thriving, proves all the above. A significant advantage of SMS is that it reaches users anywhere in the world, even when mobile data are switched off. The SMS message will undoubtedly be delivered as SMS doesn’t rely on the Internet and is the only technology harmonized between all mobile operators in the world. Consequently, business messaging, commonly referred to as A2P, is booming in the past few years. It’s no wonder then to see other advanced technologies such as IoT deploying it.

Are you using SMS?

Are you using SMS?

When mentioning SMS Marketing, it almost seems as if this segment of marketing has not been used enough lately. New 21st century digital environment forced us to focus on the online, internet world, so it looks like marketers’ eyes are mostly focused on Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing etc., which we can easily put under one umbrella, called Inbound Marketing. This approach is the right one since there is no doubt online, the digital world is overtaking our lives faster than ever. The necessity to be always present, available and ready to communicate and respond fast to all questions and inquiries and to attract audience has become a 21st-century big MUST!

What is BULK SMS

What is BULK SMS

What is Bulk SMS? A simple explanation would be: Bulk SMS is a service that enables sending a large number of SMS messages to a broad audience – at once. This is a super powerful service to use in your business to deliver SMS messages safely, quickly and directly to your customers worldwide. If you’re running competitions, marketing campaigns, notifications to employees, promotions or events, Bulk mass messaging is the best platform to use for sending out a high volume of messages in one go.

Bulk SMS – what you need to know to start?

Bulk SMS – what you need to know to start?

If you’re wondering what the easiest and best way to effectuate successful SMS marketing (using Bulk SMS) is, this text will provide you with an answer. Let’s begin this story by going back to 2008, when Mary Meeker, a famous Internet analyst, boldly predicted that by 2014 mobile Internet use will overtake desktop Internet usage globally. Now, from a 2015 perspective, we can only agree and say: she was right! Smartphones and mobile devices, in general, have surpassed desktop and laptop PCs in percent of internet browsing and percent of time spent with online retail. What does this suggest? It is simple. Mobile devices are becoming an enormous part of the world’s ‘Internet Future.’ Customers are now so comfortable using their smartphones as their primary shopping device that businesses must consider mobile marketing as a crucial part of their digital marketing strategies. They must even focus and prioritise investments in mobile marketing if they want to keep the pace with continuous mobile development.