September 2023: A1 Group, a leading communications provider in the CEE region, has completed negotiations and signed an agreement with HORISEN, a multi-award-winning messaging technology product house.
Tag: SMS
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superhero today!
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for your messaging business.
Standing Out in a Crowded Messaging Technology Market
The market is flooded with numerous messaging technology solutions that “kinda all do the same thing”. But is that the case?
Enterprise SMS
Consider the past and present of SMS to predict its enterprise applications of tomorrow. From the first computer-to-computer message sent in 1969 to the bustling digital age, one form of communication has stood the test of time and transformed the way we interact: SMS.
HORISEN is attending WWC 2023
The Wholesale Telecom Industry is converging in Madrid, and HORISEN is at the forefront as the HOME OF MESSAGING TECHNOLOGY!
HORISEN welcomes a new Messaging Superhero on board – HGC
August 2023: HORISEN, an award-winning messaging technology product house signed an agreement with HGC Global Communications Limited a fully-fledged award-winning ICT service provider and network operator with extensive global coverage.
The Best SMS Platform Provider for seventh consecutive year
HORISEN was honored with two awards for the seventh consecutive year at the annual ceremony of the CC-Global Awards. This prestigious event was held in Berlin on June 27, 2023 acknowledging outstanding innovations and accomplishments in the telecommunications industry on a global scale.
7 Fantastic Use Cases for SMS in Customer Experience
From discounts to reminders, delivery updates to customer verification – SMS is the vehicle for many CX initiatives. Recognizing this, many brands leverage the channel to enhance customer experience.
HORISEN joins GCCM 2023 event in Berlin to meet prominent industry leaders
With CC Global 2023 Awards and HORISEN shortlisted for the seventh time in a row, EUROPE GCCM is the most exciting time of the event year.
HORISEN is attending Messaging & SMS World 2023
Connect with HORISEN at Messaging & SMS World, the premier event for industry leaders. Join us for two days of innovation and networking. Be part of the conversation with HORISEN, the leading player in messaging.