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Top 5 Most Frequently Asked Questions about SMS Marketing

Top 5 Most Frequently Asked Questions about SMS Marketing

1. How SMS Marketing starts? SMS marketing starts when a mobile user sends a keyword as a message to a specific shortcode. These type of messages are called MO messages (Mobile Originated message). Here is an example: Text START to 8888 for our weekly list of special offers! The moment the system receives the message (subscription) containing the keyword, the phone number from which this message was sent automatically goes into a database and triggers an automated response – a new text message sent back to the user. This message is also called the MT message (Mobile Terminated message). In this case, the message would contain a list of all available special offers of the week.

SMS Marketing for Beginners

SMS Marketing for Beginners

First, let’s familiarise with the term. What is SMS marketing? SMS marketing is a permission-based marketing technique that uses SMS (Short Message Service) to send promotional messages and share special offers or company information with a large group of people quickly and easily. This is done by sending SMS messages from a company to a consumer. The other terms used are mobile marketing or text messaging marketing.

Bulk SMS for Beginners

Bulk SMS for Beginners

Is Bulk SMS ideal for your business? BULK SMS is usually used to reach a wide or a specific audience for marketing reasons, with personalised SMS content. You can use it to promote products, or inform customers about specific changes: e.g., a clothing store does a huge re-opening party with discounts, etc.