It seems that the new era of technological innovation has begun with artificial intelligence (AI) technology using deep learning algorithms to generate human-like texts.
Tag: Omnichannel
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for your messaging business.
Omnichannel CX in a Mobile-First World
“Omnichannel CX in a Mobile-First World” by HORISEN’s CEO, Fabrizio Salanitri has been published in the latest issue of Pipeline Magazine.
HORISEN Business Messenger Review
“HORISEN Business Messenger Review: Much More Than a Messaging Solution” has been published by CX Today.
The review characterizes HORISEN Business Messenger as a platform that “brings together cloud technologies to help companies communicate with their customers across various channels like messaging apps, social media platforms, and other channels.
SMS marketing – old but gold
SMS marketing is an important strategy in today’s marketing industry as the majority of people worldwide own a mobile phone.
Telegram takes messaging marketing to the next level
With HORISEN Business Messenger, marketers can take full advantage of Telegram options and maximize business performance.
Omnichannel – talk to clients through their preferred channel
HORISEN Business Messenger orchestrates seamless communication across various messaging channels.
Manage full customer life cycle with Telegram
At first sight, among countless messaging apps, how this one could follow the giants along the way of instant messaging, on the already saturated market? Let’s mention some – secure encryption, fast messaging speed, cute stickers (easy to create even on your own), the ability to send non-compressed files, so what’s not to love? Last month Telegram reached 500 million users and this growth seems unstoppable.
OTT vs. Bulk SMS
Although we witness a serious rise in popularity of Over-The-Top (OTT) instant messaging apps like WhatsApp, more than 50% of WhatsApp users still think that SMS will always be an essential form of communication for them. And more importantly, OTT messaging services don’t allow users to send messages in bulk which puts SMS on the top of the list of the most useful marketing tools.