The SMS market is undergoing rapid expansion, prompting businesses to seek adaptable solutions that can navigate the challenges within this evolving landscape. Amid this scenario, technology vendors are devising strategies to develop solutions that support growth, offering a robust base with highly scalable architecture. However, these endeavours often come with significant challenges.
Tag: Messaging Technology
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HORISEN welcomes a new messaging superhero on board – A1
September 2023: A1 Group, a leading communications provider in the CEE region, has completed negotiations and signed an agreement with HORISEN, a multi-award-winning messaging technology product house.
Standing Out in a Crowded Messaging Technology Market
The market is flooded with numerous messaging technology solutions that “kinda all do the same thing”. But is that the case?
Enterprise SMS
Consider the past and present of SMS to predict its enterprise applications of tomorrow. From the first computer-to-computer message sent in 1969 to the bustling digital age, one form of communication has stood the test of time and transformed the way we interact: SMS.
Revolutionizing Marketing and Communications Technology
The world of marketing and communications is undergoing a remarkable transformation, fueled by the accelerated shift to digital during the pandemic. As consumers flock to online channels, businesses are seeking innovative ways to communicate effectively.
HORISEN is attending WWC 2023
The Wholesale Telecom Industry is converging in Madrid, and HORISEN is at the forefront as the HOME OF MESSAGING TECHNOLOGY!
HORISEN welcomes a new Messaging Superhero on board – HGC
August 2023: HORISEN, an award-winning messaging technology product house signed an agreement with HGC Global Communications Limited a fully-fledged award-winning ICT service provider and network operator with extensive global coverage.
Cost-cutting potential of MNP Lookup Service
As the messaging landscape rapidly evolves, people’s expectations for seamless communication continually rise and businesses must adapt to the highly competitive telecom industry.
Panel Discussion “Messaging Platforms”
Panel Discussions “Messaging Platforms-The Urgent Adaption to the New Messaging Wholesale or Retail, OMNI or CPaaS” took place within the 10th annual Europe 2023 GCCM.