You want to start a messaging business, or maybe your current messaging business is growing rapidly, and you need a more robust, scalable solution.
Tag: CPaaS
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for your messaging business.
Ensuring Top-Tier Security and Compliant Solutions
The amount of customer data captured online nowadays is growing at an exponential rate. Whether it’s opening a bank account, buying a train ticket, or communicating with local government authorities, users are required to share basic personal information, including payment details, email addresses, and home addresses. The more data exchanged online, the greater the risk of data breaches.
Empowering Communication in the CPaaS Industry
Seamless communication and integration have become essential for businesses striving to maintain a competitive edge.
Telcos Are Buying Up CPaaS Platform Providers: Why?
CPaaS platforms inject programmable voice, video, and SMS messages across enterprise applications.
To do so, they leverage operator networks, which telcos have invested big money into.
The Rise of CPaaS
Digital transformation has made the Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) industry experience significant growth.
Understanding CPaaS
What is CPaaS?
Communications Platform-as-a-Service is a specialized form of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that enables businesses to seamlessly integrate communication features such as voice, video, and messaging into their existing applications.
Why to Invest in the CPaaS Market
The CPaaS market has been experiencing remarkable growth and is poised for even greater expansion in the coming years.
HORISEN Triumphs at CC-GLOBAL AWARDS 2024, Securing Best Innovative CPaaS Provider Award
Berlin, EUROPE 2024 GCCM – Carrier Community Global Awards 2024: HORISEN proudly took home two prestigious awards on June 12, 2024 at the CC-Global Awards 2024.
HORISEN at UC Today Marketplace 2024
We are thrilled to be part of UC Today Marketplace 2024 that serves as a comprehensive platform where you can explore the latest innovations from top vendors in the UC industry.