
HORISEN at AWC Miami: Unveiling All-in-One Messaging Solutions

HORISEN at AWC Miami: Unveiling All-in-One Messaging Solutions

Become a messaging

superhero today!

Let us help you find the best solution

for your messaging business.


Miami is a global hub where people from all over the world come together, sharing their cultures, languages, and innovations. This March, the telecom industry gathers for Americas Wholesale Congress (AWC) – and HORISEN is ready to be part of the telco melting pot!

As a multi-award-winning messaging technology vendor, we’re looking forward to connecting with the Americas & Caribbean telecoms wholesale community to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and collaboration opportunities in messaging.

Whether you need an SMS Platform, Business Messenger, and/or SS7 Platform, @HORISEN team is here to help you find the best solution for your messaging business.

Meet us at Booth 7 to explore our all-in-one, vendor-neutral messaging technology solutions and take your messaging business to the next level.

🔗 Schedule a meeting with us and let’s shape the future of messaging together:

A Telco Melting Pot in Miami – AWC 2024, Here We Come!

AWC Miami

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