HORISEN welcomes a new messaging superhero on board – A1

HORISEN welcomes a new messaging superhero on board – A1

A1 Opts for HORISEN’s Messaging Technology  September 2023: A1 Group, a leading communications provider in the CEE region, has completed negotiations and signed an agreement with HORISEN, a multi-award-winning messaging technology product house. According to the...
Wholesale World Congress

Wholesale World Congress

Exploring the Global Telecom Landscape: HORISEN’s Success at WWC 2023 in Madrid Madrid, Sept. 22, 2023, WWC – HORISEN, a software technology house based in Switzerland, has been attending Wholesale World Congress 2023 in Madrid, Spain for the last three days....
Antonio Meucci Global Telco Awards 2023

Antonio Meucci Global Telco Awards 2023

HORISEN Wins Prestigious Awards in Madrid Antonio Meucci Global Telco Awards 2023, Madrid: The first awards event celebrating the real innovators of the telecommunications ecosystem, based exclusively on their achievements, took place on 20 September 2023 in Madrid...
Enterprise SMS

Enterprise SMS

The Past, Present, & Future Consider the past and present of SMS to predict its enterprise applications of tomorrow From the first computer-to-computer message sent in 1969 to the bustling digital age, one form of communication has stood the test of time and...