
22 Years of Innovation and Growth in the Messaging Technology World

22 Years of Innovation and Growth in the Messaging Technology World

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superhero today!

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for your messaging business.

Our Story

In the year 2001, the seeds of our journey were sown with a visionary idea to revolutionize SMS communication. Fuelled by the passion for marketing through SMS and the endless possibilities of browser-based applications, we founded HORISEN with a clear mission in mind – to enable users to send SMS via a user-friendly browser application. Thus, “HORISEN Newsletter” was born, marking the beginning of our transformation into a product house for cutting-edge messaging technology.

Pillar 1: Product House

HORISEN Newsletter served as a launchpad for a host of innovative marketing applications, catering to every stage of the marketing process – from lead generation to customer recognition. As SMS gained global momentum, our expertise in this domain solidified, and we evolved into a competent and innovative full-service provider for multimedia applications.


Pillar 2: Marketing Agency

Taking our commitment to excellence to the next level, we introduced “HORISEN INFO” – an all-in-one system for diverse marketing applications. This strategic move positioned us as a premium mobile marketing vendor, earning us partnerships with renowned brands seeking top-notch campaign execution. Becoming a marketing agency further fueled our growth as we offered comprehensive services ranging from marketing consulting to campaign intelligence and analytics.

Pillar 3: SMS Trading

The increasing volume of SMS traffic on our newsletter tool prompted us to venture into SMS trading. Our software development acumen was instrumental in establishing the foundation of our SMS trading solution. This new endeavor emphasized the significance of automation, flexibility, and scalability, driving us to create the SMS Platform, a cloud service that proved immensely successful.

Neutrality as a Turning Point

In 2017, we encountered a pivotal moment when the pursuit of neutrality led us to let go of our messaging business. Making a strategic decision, we chose to prioritize software development and complete independence. We decided to become a vendor-neutral company dedicated exclusively to our customers’ growth. This decision led to the divestment of our messaging business to LINK Mobility Group, reinforcing our commitment to pure product development.

Award-Winning Product House

Today, we proudly stand as an award-winning product house for messaging technology, boasting 20 years of experience and innovation. Our carrier-neutral, sales-driven, and user-friendly business applications cover every aspect of the telecom and message broadcasting world. From collecting end users’ phone numbers to broadcasting messages across various platforms like SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Instagram, FB Messenger, Google Business Chat, RCS, Web Push, Email and more, our solutions have earned recognition and acknowledgement.

The Journey Continues

For HORISEN, there is no finish line; only mile markers. Our journey is a testament to our dedication to excellence and innovation. With each milestone, we redefine the boundaries of messaging technology and strive to empower businesses with state-of-the-art solutions. As we look to the future, our commitment to revolutionizing the messaging landscape remains unwavering. The journey never ends, and we are eager to embrace every opportunity that comes our way.

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