
10 reasons to use SMS for customer communication

10 reasons to use SMS for customer communication

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Should you use SMS to communicate with customers? Yes!

There are many good reasons to use SMS to communicate with your clients.

We’ve selected 10 very good reasons why you should use SMS in your marketing.

1. Immediate delivery

SMS is very fast and efficient. It is delivered in a matter of seconds, so your marketing message will reach your target audience (clients) almost immediately upon being sent. Also, with over 90% of messages read within 3 minutes of being received, you will see results immediately.

2. Personal

SMS is very personal because it’s delivered directly to your customer’s mobile phone. Since mobile phones are almost always within our arm’s reach, SMS is landing straight into the client’s hands. By personalising your communication with clients, you’ll easily grab their attention.

3. Cheap

Text messages are cheap especially if you buy them in bulk. No other marketing method provides such affordable results, particularly if compared with traditional marketing methods, such as TV, radio or print media.

4. Global Reach

Text messages can reach millions of people in no time, wherever they are. It can reach virtually all of the 6-7 billion mobile phones in use today. SMS is the only technology harmonised between all mobile operators in the world, which means that text messaging can connect the world. Literally!

5. Simple

Due to its simplicity and reach, SMS has become a globally adopted communication channel. Everyone knows how to open, read and text a message. Moreover, thanks to the limitation in length (160 characters), messages are small, direct, concise and go straight to the point. And who doesn’t like it sweet & simple?

6. Precision

Text messaging enables you to laser target a specific group of people (customers and prospects) with different marketing messages. By delivering the right message to the right group of people, you can boost sales and improve communication with your clients and potential clients.

7. Direct

Some reports say 91% of adults keep their mobile phone within arm’s reach 24/7. Therefore, SMS is among the most direct ways of communicating with clients, besides meeting face-to-face and a direct phone call. Since the other 2 can be complicated, time-consuming and expensive, it’s clear who’s the winner!

8. Time-efficient

SMS is an excellent timesaver since text messages can be scheduled and you can send one message to a large group of people at once without writing each message individually. This allows you to concentrate on other areas of the business which is a huge benefit.

9. Trackable

SMS can be easily tracked using the delivery reports. These reports enable you to see how efficient and successful your SMS campaign is. This will help you understand what works best for you, empowering you to get the most out of your future marketing campaigns.

10. Reliable

Unlike email which is seriously fighting against spam and different junk email filters, SMS is safe. Mobile phones don’t have a spam box, so upon hitting the send button, you can be sure your marketing message has arrived safely. Even if the mobile phone is switched off or out of the signal, SMS will be delivered within 48 hours of being sent.

We can conclude that SMS marketing is a very powerful tool for driving sales and growing an active customer base.

If you’d like to start SMS marketing, learn all about the powerful HORISEN Business Messenger.

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